
Prepare for CSRD with Environmental LCA (rec)

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Agenda del evento

On November 28th 2022, the EU Council approved the CSRD directive. CSRD stands for Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive. In this webinar, we will explain what it means for companies and how you can prepare to be compliant with it. 

Eva Vati, Founder and CEO of VERIFY Agency and VATI of Sweden, is a business strategist and sustainability expert working with regulatory frameworks connected to sustainability. She will talk about how to prepare for CSRD and  about how companies’ sustainability work can be verified and audited with the help of ISO26001 self-declaration.

Dr. Gregory Norris, Harvard & MIT professor, entrepreneur and a world-leading expert in LCA will present how Environmental Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) can help businesses gather most of the necessary information for the upcoming reporting requirements.